Our Expertise

on January 18 | in | by | with No Comments

Experience the exceptional

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Brand Anatomy

on May 15 | in | by | with Comments Off on Brand Anatomy

The unkind truth – without conducting a Brand Anatomy, the process of becoming “one of a kind” is more like one of millions. A brand is not about you, or the organization, or the product and service or even the customer – it’s about all those feelings, perceptions and experiences that occur between the brand and every other touch point it contacts in communicating its core qualities.

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Brand Anthropology

on May 14 | in | by | with Comments Off on Brand Anthropology

Brand Planning

Once the brand has been evaluated, positioned and differentiated; it can now proceed to planning. Brand Planning includes the strategic and necessary next steps in order to create Return On Marketing (ROM) value. Brand Planning will entail a 12-48 month scope of brand activities, presented as a Marketing Action Plan (MAP) with accompanying marketing, objectives, pre-strategy, strategy and specific tactics in order to develop, deliver and implement brand resulting in a successful and sustaining contagion brand launch.

To plan a proper activation we must know why people buy through a closer evaluation of your target’s Purchase Intent Drivers, which ultimately determines the effectiveness of your positional differentiation. The key to a successful brand strategy is determined by each potential participant’s complete understanding and committed engagement toward your market position.

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Digital Anthropology

on May 11 | in | by | with Comments Off on Digital Anthropology

What fuels our branding success is our strongest, most valuable asset: communication. We craft digital strategies designed to synchronize and drive your brand across the channels that attract and engage your audience. Born from intense social media modeling and deep web strategy, we create what we call Digital Storytelling as Digital Synchronization of your brand and its social voice.

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Brand Activation

on May 9 | in | by | with Comments Off on Brand Activation

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